They were very cheerful.
We made the Maki sushi.
I was very impressive that the girl cooked very hard.
They had very beautiful skin , hair, especially lovely smile!
Thank you very much.
Customers from USA.
They were very cheerful. We made the Maki sushi. I was very impressive that the girl cooked very hard. They had very beautiful skin , hair, especially lovely smile! Thank you very much.
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Customers from UK.
Because she is a teacher, spoke very beautiful English. I thought that wanted to become her student. She loved the tsukune & yakitori. We had a very good time! Thank you so much. Customers from the United States. We made the Chirashi sushi. They were so happy family. Also, they tried to do calligraphy experience. A son loved Japanese culture and knew several words and kanji. I was very impressed. Their calligraphy described themselves very well. All of these were very nice! Especially son's art was so talented, I felt. Thank you so much! First customers from Russia.
They were very nice sisters. We made the Kitsune udon and Japanese sweets" Shiratama dango". They were so friendly and warm person. I had a very good time with them. Thank you so much! First customers from Brazil.
She reserved my class very early. So, we didn't know yet that she was pregnant! I was very surprised and concerned about her condition. But, she made the Maki sushi perfectly. Very impressed. I heard that many kind of cuisine in Brazil. It was very interesting. Most interesting cuisine was "Chocolate sushi". Wow! They sent to me the photo of " Chocolate sushi" later. I'd like to try to eat it someday. Please come back Tokyo with your son in the future. Thank you so much. Customers from Germany and Australia.
Germany sisters and Australian brothers. We made the Gyoza together. They were very good group. It was very fun class. Especially, Australian brothers were 18 year-old and 24 year-old. Even though they were very young, loved cooking very much. I was very impressive about that. I want a son-in-law like them. Because they were cheerful, bright and so gentle ! Thank you so much! Customers from Germany.
A customer who came in May from Germany was introduced my class to them. They were so nice and kind couple. Also, they enjoyed cooking very much. We felt that we were similar a little, Japanese and German people. Thank you so much! I'm in vacation, during 2015 Sept 19- 23.
So I'm sorry that can't reply you, soon. Please wait a few days. Thanks for your cooperation. Customers from the United States.
They loved eating and cooking very much. We made an Okonomiyaki together. Also, we talked about many type of food. I had a very good time with them. Thank you so much! Customers from UK.
They are traveling long-time, about six months. Wow! I felt that they gave me an open mind. Thank you for spending such a precious time with me. I hope that they'll have a good time anywhere. Please take care ! Thank you very much. |
12月 2019
© 2014 Japanese Home Cooking Class Yurico |